Tuesday 22 January 2013

Time for an old fashioned Calendar

Last night, while driving home from a mundane errand, I decided it was time for a calendar.   It's  half way through January and I'm feeling sufficiently overwhelmed with things to do. I've never been a daytimer kind of person. First, you have to remember to write down the appointment/deadline/goal.  Then you have to remember to have look at your daytimer in the morning, or the day or week before, to make sure that you don't forget about it.  Unfortunately for me,  I'm just as likely to forget to open that little book, as I am to forget the appointment.  Then came the smart phone, and yes I do have one, but still, I'm not very consistant at inputting appointments, and I find it unsettling to be a slave to the reminder "buzz". I guess I'm a visual person, and the old fashioned calendar, with place to write in the little boxes, and then stare at them hanging on the wall while I eat my breakfast, works for me!

So I decided to make one, and to share it with you...you can download the pdf at the end of the post.

The calendar - printed on my inkjet printer, on card stock (my printer's not the best)

If you're a calendar person too, and would like to print one out for yourself, here's the link to a free download...

2013 Calendar ready-to-print

have a nice day!

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